Thursday, May 14, 2020

Revenge By William Shakespeare s Hamlet - 914 Words

Revenge = Happiness Can revenge really bring happiness? Harming and getting back at someone for upsetting you or â€Å"doing you wrong†. It’s the ultimate win, right? Wrong. Revenge is an irrepressible craving that devours the mind and creates a never ending cycle of pain and grief. â€Å"But isn’t it said that revenge is sweet?† says nearly every person in modern day society. Wrong again. We’re obsessed with the belief that revenge is what solves the issue, when in reality; it’s only ridding you of your morals and bringing yourself to their level. Media, movies and music ensure that getting that last bit of â€Å"sweet† vengeance is what settles the difference. But what happens afterwards? Eternal happiness? An amazing life knowing that you took that last swing, that last act of spite that ensures your health, sanity, and morality, right? After reading and analyzing Shakespeare’s infamous play, Hamlet, it turns out that there’s more to rev enge than just the immediate benefits that are reaped. It’s a play that revolves around Prince Hamlet’s ultimate revenge against his uncle and new King, Claudius, for his father, the late King Hamlet. When King Hamlet’s ghost appears in front of Hamlet, he initiates the thirst for revenge. So art thou to revenge, when thou shalt hear-- Act 1:Scene 5 This leads to Hamlet’s demise and temporary insanity. Although Hamlet’s beliefs in heaven and hell, sin and morality, and God and the Devil are strong, he is ultimately overcome by evil. His thirst forShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet s Revenge1725 Words   |  7 Pages Thesis: Shakespeare s portrayal of Hamlet s revenge is not a worthy journey because he never finds his self worth, distracted between what will exemplify his purpose, and what will make him a failure in the memory of Denmark. Three quotes with analysis explaining thesis: Act 1 Scene 5 Ghost: â€Å" But know, thou noble youth, Hamlet: â€Å"Oh My Prophetic Soul! My uncle?† The serpent that did sting thy father’s life Now wears his crown.† The beginning of the â€Å"call to adventure -JRead MoreRevenge By William Shakespeare s Hamlet1625 Words   |  7 PagesRevenge can be defined as â€Å"the act of retaliating for wrongs received†. William Shakespeare s â€Å"Hamlet† is considered one of his greatest plays and the plot is centered on revenge. Euripides Medea also shares a theme of revenge. While both central characters have been betrayed, resulting in their impending revenge, there is more than one theme of revenge in Hamlet, and there are differences in the ways all decide to handle their betrayals and the outcomes of their actions. In â€Å"Hamlet,† he isRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - Hamlet s Revenge1742 Words   |  7 PagesHamlet’s Vengeance Hamlet is one of the greatest literary works that has the innate ability to transcend time with the study of the human condition. William Shakespeare investigates themes of revenge, morality, sex, and familial complexities that entangle us all at one point and time. Shakespeare story of Hamlet gives us one of our first tragic heroes in modern literary history. In his quest for revenge for his father’s death we also see the systematic decline and lapses into madness that willRead MoreRevenge By William Shakespeare s Hamlet982 Words   |  4 PagesRevenge has caused the downfall of many a person. Its consuming nature causes one to act recklessly through anger rather than reason. Revenge is an emotion easily rationalized; one turn deserves another. However, this is a very dangerous theory to live by. Throughout Hamlet, revenge is a dominant theme. Fortinbras, Laertes, and Hamlet all seek to avenge the deaths of their fathers. But in so doing, all three rely more on emotion than thought, and take a very big gamble, a gamble which eventuallyRead MoreRevenge By William Shakespeare s Hamlet882 Words   |  4 PagesIn Shakespeare’s Hamlet, it is very evident that hatred and a thirst for revenge can turn people into something that they are not. Many characters throughout this story exemplify this, but the main two are Hamlet and Laertes. This theme of revenge is established throughout the whole play and it acts as a vital character. Revenge is seen as a cause for many outcomes. Hamlet pursues revenge on Claudius to avenge his father s death. Gertrude is targeted by Hamlet for wedding Claudius too quickly afterRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - Longing For Revenge1304 Words   |  6 PagesLonging for Revenge William Shakespeare was born in England in April of 1564 and was an English poet and playwright . Shakespeare is universally known as the greatest writer in the English language. Shakespeare frequently produced tragedies that are continuously acted out today, along with many plays and sonnets.. Although Shakespeare is seen today as a great writer who changed the world, his reputation did not rise to these heights until around the 19th century. In all of Shakespeare’s astoundingRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet As A Revenge Tragedy1777 Words   |  8 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s play Hamlet was written as a revenge tragedy. This play was written by Shakespeare between 1599 and 1602; no one is exactly certain about the date Hamlet was written (Hunt 2). The protagonist of this play is a prince named Hamlet; he is a prince of Denmark. Hamlet’s father was killed by his uncle Claudius, who became king afterwards. Not only did Claudius become king of Denmark, he took Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude, as his wife. This play is the longest of all Shakespeare’s playsRead MoreRevenge By William Shakespeare s Hamlet, And Sophocles Antigone2105 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction Revenge has always been an exciting theme to incorporate into any literary work. This revenge adds conflict, action, and contrast to any story. There have been hundreds of thousands of stories and tales which cause readers to experience similar feeling to that of the main characters. With revenge, the reader may side with the main character whether or not the main character is morally right or wrong. By human nature, people around the globe have always been trying their hardest to comeRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet Essay902 Words   |  4 PagesTo be, or not to be; that s the question† (Act III, Scene 1, P.1127) is of the most widely circulated lines. As we all know, it is also the most important part of the drama, â€Å"Hamlet†, which is one of the most famous tragedy in the literature written by William Shakespeare between from 1599 to1602. The drama was written at the age of Renaissance that reflects the reality of the British society in sixteenth century to early seventeenth century. During that period, Britain was in the era of reverseRead MoreEssay on Vengeance in Shakespeares Hamlet - The Theme of Revenge1162 Words   |  5 PagesThe Theme of Revenge in Hamlet    In Shakespeares tragedy,  Hamlet, the thoughts of revenge are introduced early in the play. At the end of the first act, Hamlet meets the ghost of his deceased father. He is brought to see him by Horatio and Marcellus, who saw the ghost yesternight (Shakespeare 1.2.190). During this exchange of words between the Ghost and Hamlet, the Ghost tells Hamlet, [s]o art thou to revenge, when thou shalt hear. (Shakespeare 1.5.5). He is telling Hamlet to listen closely

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