Friday, February 21, 2020

Management (social, environmental, human and other factors) Essay

Management (social, environmental, human and other factors) - Essay Example So we are talking here of the social, environmental, human and other factors that are beneficial to the workers, the community, the organisation or business, and the consumers. In this situation, business is not just earning more and more money, but also looking after the welfare of the people. Sometimes, we refer to employees as the workforce and the consumers as partners. Business becomes an ordinary part of life - to say the least - and people might get used to it. Everyone becomes a part of the family, giving inputs and suggestions for the good of the organisation, until success is not far behind. Social responsibilities of ship management business managers evolved through the years. From mere spectator taking simple passive roles (for example, giving small donations or philanthropies), they now take active roles in promoting social responsibilities, instituting programmes that become part of their business. These responsibilities or programmes are focused on the employees, the workplace, the consumers, and the community in general, promoting programmes for the advancement of each of these stakeholders by regarding them as partners in building a strong and coherent organisation. In the traditional sense, organisations and businesses regard employees as mere workers. Now they point to them as partners because they are building an organisation or business which their lives depend on. Ship management business relies upon an effective and efficient workforce therefore its management skills and programmes and objectives should be more focused on them. Corporate social responsibility is applied on the workplace. Job design also has to be positioned in such a way that the workers or employees can work with ease and safety. Moreover, the workers are encouraged to give suggestions or inputs on how to improve the workplace. Job designs are patterned after the workers' suggestions. Corporate social responsibility or CSR is defined as a concept that states that organisations, especially commercial businesses, have a duty of care to all of their stakeholders in all aspects of their operations. This duty of care is seen to go beyond their statutory obligation to comply with legislation.1 Promotion and protection of the environment are concerns of ship management. In a ship, voluminous goods are being processed, and if there are no environmental measures taken, there might be environmental disaster. We have heard of oil spills in seas which endanger sea life, the fishes and coral reefs. They could have been avoided if there were environmental and safety measures done in the first place. Safety measures are one of the social responsib

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