Thursday, November 21, 2019

Explain in your own words what you understand either by the term Essay

Explain in your own words what you understand either by the term hegemony - Essay Example However, some philosophers have some modified the definition by involving the concept of domination. Gramsci (1971, p. 158) has defined hegemony as a tool that can be used to change a society. Hegemony is an association between societies and its associated components. He also noted that the concept of hegemony encompasses other concepts as well. It means that we really can’t define hegemony in simple terms. Roger (1991, p.24) have indicated that some of the concepts that are related to hegemony include coercion, dominance, capitalism, imperialism, strategy for revolution and absolute majority. Hegemony can be applied in many ways. One example of hegemony is through historical or political influence. This is brought about by conquering another country and spreading its political influence to other countries. A classic example of this political hegemony is through colonization. Colonization, which is started by European countries (Portugal and Spain) during the 15th century, has greatly applied political hegemony and is influence by the concept of coercion, dominance and imperialism. They have influenced the political, as well as the socio-economic, aspect of the countries which they have colonized. They have changed the traditional system of their colonies and have implied their own system here. For example, in the book of Zaide (1994, p. 218) the classic â€Å"barangay† system of the Philippines was changed by the Spain into a â€Å"colonial† system when they have conquered the Philippines during the 16th century. In the journal article of Tarak and Laffey (1999, p.30), it is explained that there are some countries, particularly the Great Britain and the United States, that have used the concept of hegemony in their goal of attaining power to other countries. The two countries have influenced other countries by consistently seeking reasons to install a particular set of political institutions and socioeconomic assemblage in other countries. This may be done in a lot of manners like for example, making sure that they have an ambassador or representative in the country which can influence the political system, or have many investments to the country which can influence the economic aspect of the country. They do these strategies to create a favorable environment for the expansion of their capitalism, as well as to improve their security and advance the ideals they have implanted, cultivated, and protected into that country. Influential countries, like the United States and Great Britain, usually have the tendency and aspiration to influence the international system of which they are included. It is really remarkable in this contemporary era that these countries are far more influential in this regard than any other. Both countries have a special strategy to determine and manipulate both the principles and systems that regulates the increasingly interrelated international system, and the conduct of the other countries in cluded that effectively constitute it. The current status of the international system, where both the United States and Great Britain are included, is the product of the persistent efforts to reshape it in their image. The process of its hegemony and influence will likely continue so long as there remain countries acting as capitalists, which is the great power at the top of the internatio

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