Friday, October 25, 2019

Love is Beautiful in Julius Caesar Essay -- Julius Caesar

The word love has thousands of meaning but in the end it can mean only one thing. Now over the years the word love had totally lost it’s meaning, but that’s not important to this essay. We are looking back at a time when love was a word that you didn’t throw around. When love still had meaning. When togas were still in style.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The word love is repeated in many forms throughout the play Julius Caesar. Unlike the way that we use it today, this word had different meanings. Someone saying it did not usually mean sexual feelings towards another, but it meant friendship in its own sick and twisted way. In all seriousness though, this word truly meant something back then. So that is what we’ll be looking at today, the multiple meanings of the word that is love. Grab your togas and join the fun!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ok first we will be looking into act one. For those of you who didn’t read or just plain forgot what happened here it is in a nutshell. Ok Caesar just killed Pompay and is the over-all ruler of Rome. Some people do not like this and begin to conspire to kill Caesar. Easy enough, right? We see the word love many times in this act but lets check out the basics. Cassius says, â€Å"were I a common laughter or did use to stale with ordinary oaths my live to every new protestor† (line 73, Act I, scene II). What he is saying here is that he loves the people willing to protest the rule of Caesar. Now this isn’t â€Å"oh I love you marry me now† typ...

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