Thursday, December 26, 2019

Utilitarianism in The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

What if, one day, this person is crossing the street on his way to work and a speeding car hit him. Due to the impact, he loses consciousness. The next day he wakes up in the hospital and is paralyzed. What would this mans first thought be? Of course, he would question why that he is paralyzed and if this illness is curable. Unlike the character in my parable, the main character in Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis, worries about the most unlikely things. Although Gregor Samsa had awoken to discover that he is an insect, he is afraid that he will be late for work and as a result he will lose his job. As a result of this behavior, Gregor Samsa is a perfect example of utilitarianism in the early 20th century. Comparatively, Gregors family†¦show more content†¦Eventually, by the end of the story, Gregor transforms into a useless being, the epitome of utilitarianism. Not only did his transformation into a bug change him physically, emotionally Gregor changed also. From having hidde n feelings towards the family, to recognizing the true feelings he had, Gregor changes dramatically (Hibberd. To the family, he becomes a nuisance and is considered a burden. He craves compassion from them but they lacked the lively character of former times (175). Gregor reflects and realizes that he must disappear due to the burden of his bug state to his family (Goldfarb). He thought of his family with tenderness and love. The decision that he must disappear was one that he held to even more strongly than his sister, if that were possible (186). Out of love, Gregor makes the decision to leave/die for the sake of his family. At the beginning in his human state, he never embraced the feelings he had nor shared them. As a bug, Gregor accepted his feelings and was unable to share them, even though he desired to (Klingenstein). As Gregor has transformed from utilitarian to humanistic, so has the family transformed from humanistic and compassionate to utilitarian. To add to the example of Gregor representing utilitarianism, his father and sister are also examples of utilitarianism. At the beginning of the book, they are compassionate and loving towards Gregor. Yet, by the end of the story, the fatherShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagescriteria. Ethical considerations should be an important criterion in all organizational decision making. In this section, we present three ways to frame decisions ethically.77 Three Ethical Decision Criteria The first ethical yardstick is utilitarianism, which proposes making decisions solely on the basis of their outcomes, ideally to provide the greatest good for the greatest number. This view dominates business decision making. It is consistent with goals such as efficiency, productivity, and

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Who Should Consider With Gummy Bear Breast Implants

Who Should Consider Adding Volume to Their Breasts with Gummy Bear Implants? Women who: †¢ are interested in increasing the size and contour of their breasts; †¢ women who would like to have breasts that are symmetrical (even) and/or appear more proportionate to their overall physique; †¢ do not smoke; †¢ have no contraindications to general anesthesia; †¢ are healthy; †¢ have no active infections; †¢ are not pregnant or breastfeeding; †¢ understand what can be accomplished with gummy bear breast implants; and †¢ are at least 22 years old. The Benefits of Choosing Gummy Bear Breast Implants The gummy bear breast implant can be pierced or cut without any concern of leakage. Just like a piece of gummy bear candy, if cut in half, the highly†¦show more content†¦Once the examination is complete, Dr. Naidu will inform you whether or not you are a good candidate for a breast augmentation, revision or reconstruction with gummy bear breast implants. A Second Consultation for a Breast Enhancement Procedure Near Queens Patients who decide to have Dr. Nina S. Naidu perform their breast enhancement procedure with gummy bear breast implants will have a second consultation, at her office near Queens. During this appointment, patients have the opportunity to examine the various types of implant devices available, including the gummy bear. Additionally, Dr. Naidu has a variety of sizers that patients can ‘try on’ during this appointment. These sizers provide the patient with a preview of what her breast profile will be following her procedure. Dr. Naidu enjoys assisting her patients as they choose their breast implant devices. She uses the information gathered at the initial consultation to recommend the implant she believes will provide the patient with the best results possible. Preoperative photos will be taken. Dr. Nina S. Naidu uses these pictures as she creates your custom-designed surgical treatment plan: These are also ideal for comparison purposes following surgery. Rest assured, any presurgical or post-surgical photographs are considered part of your medical record; therefore, they will not be displayed online or shown to any other patient without your written consent to do so.Show MoreRelatedAn At Home Recovery Center Before A Breast Implant Surgery With Gummy Bear Implants941 Words   |  4 PagesCreating an At-Home Recovery Center Before a Breast Implant Surgery with Gummy Bear Implants Following a breast augmentation at Dr. G Cosmetic Surgery Center in Miami, patients need to remain sitting upright for a few days. Therefore, patients should consider creating their recovery area in the living room. A recliner makes a great alternative to a bed. If a patient must remain in her bedroom, she needs to place several pillows behind her back. Patients should not bend, which is why everything they needRead MoreDr. Leonard Roudner s Top Plastic Surgeons Essay1096 Words   |  5 Pagescommunity. A Plastic Surgeon Who Specializes in Breast Augmentation Near Hialeah, FL Dr. Roudner performs a variety of breast enhancement procedures. However, he specializes in performing augmentation mammoplasty (aka breast augmentation or breast implant surgery). Issues That a Breast Augmentation Near Hialeah, FL Can Address Dr. Roudner uses a breast augmentation to reconstruct the breast following injury to the breast or after a mastectomy. Furthermore, a breast augmentation can be used to restoreRead MoreDental Procedure For Breast Augmentation Procedures1589 Words   |  7 Pagesinformation available from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), nearly 300,000 breast augmentations were performed in 2015, making breast augmentation procedures once again the top plastic surgery procedure performed in the Unites States. As such, many inexperienced and substandard plastic surgeons perform breast augmentation procedures frequently, and without much thought: Unfortunately, a poorly executed breast augmentation procedure can lead to a variety of negative outcomes. ARTISTIC VISION

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Australian Companies The Accounting Practices

Question: Describe about The Australian Companies for The Accounting Practices. Answer: Introduction: The Australian companies of the present era have undergone a huge change in terms of their accounting practices. In the earlier times we see that the various accounts related tasks such as creation of invoices, bills, setting of accounts, bill payment recording, banking transactions etc were tasks that were mainly carried out on the dint of manual capacity of the employees of the company. The employees used to carry out all the tasks by themselves. However this was a phenomenon that did expose the companies to making errors in their accounting functions. Likewise we see that this was a feature that did have an effect on the operational caliber of the company, hence in the current age we see that the commercial enterprises of Australia are showing a greater affinity to the aspect of adoption of various accounting packages so that their accounts and finance related tasks could be carried out faster, easier and with a much lesser index of mistakes in their regular tasks(Aasb, 2015). Some of the very popular software accounting packages to be used in Australia are that of Reckon Accounting, Saasu and that of MYOB. In the following part of the discussion we shall give a detailed account of the companies, their services and also their market shares. The discussion will finally end with a comparison between the various brands and the final recommendation on their usage and applications(Aasb, 2016). Reckon Accounting: About the Company: Reckon is an accounting software package that is used by the small and medium businesses and also by the individual users. This is a cloud and desktop based accounting software that can be used to make the accounting related operations simple, error free and fast. The company has its offices in Australia, UK, New Zealand and in the US. There are nearly 600,000 companies who are making use of this brand. The company was established in the year 1987 by Greg Wilkinson who was the CEO of the company till the year 2006(Reckon, 2016). Products: The company is into making of accounting software packages that helps to operate on functions such as the creation of ledgers, bills, invoices and also for accounting on a daily basis. This is a software package that is being used for general bookkeeping purposes in various companies of Australia. Market Share: The company did get into a collaboration with the company Intuit with the help of which the company did once again re-launch its product of Quicken. However in the current times the brand has a total market share of 5% as top three on line software accounting package services. The brand was reported to have a loss of 14% in the year 2015(Swan, 2016). Acquisitions: The only notable acquisition would be that of getting into collaboration with Intuit for Quicken re-launch. Saasu: About the Company: Saasu is an Australian company that deals into the genre of online accounting software. The company is into the facet of distribution that uses the software in the form of a service model. The company was founded in the year 2000 by Marc Lehmann and his partner Grant Young. The company that has begun as a safe project and now gets award of BUSINESS IN THE YER 2006. The business was initially established to create automation in the genre of commercial business(Saasu, 2016). Products: The brand has developed an entire host of accounting packages that would be used for the various accounting tasks such as aerating records on purchasing, payroll management, sales invoices, billing of the customers and also CRM. Market Share: The product of Saasu is competing with some of the biggest names in the market of accounting software in the Australian context. In such situation we see that the market incubation happens to be a competitive one for Saasu. However the products of the brand needs improvement in various places and also that some of the products are quite good. They are still building their position in the market(Digitalfirst, 2015). Acquisitions or strategic alliance: Recognizant did enter into partnerships with various other companies such as the OzForex which is an Australian online foreign exchange company and also the noted brand of PayPal. In the year 2015 Saasu also entered into a partnership with Westpac. All these were partnerships and not really 100% acquisition.. They were done for product development and launch. MYOB: About the Company: Mind Your Own Business is a company that is an Australian concern which is also a multinational corporation. The company is a firm that deals into the tax, and other accounts related functions. This is a business that deals with the various types of small and medium business concerns. The company was founded in the era of the 1980s by Christopher Lee and also a team of developers at Teleware Inc. They developed the accounting software Teleware that was bought by the renowned company Best Software Inc. In the year 1993 the company Data tech Software happened to be the Australian republished of the various products that were developed by MYOB. In the year 1997 the company entered into an agreement of Besta Software and the rights of the intellectual properties were bought. In the year 2008 MYOB s a company did stop its all other operations other than the ones that did happen to be occurring in Australia and New Zealand(James, 2013). Products: MYOB has a large array of business products that are subscription based product and browser based products. All of them happen to be accounting based products. They were released in the year 2010 in August. In 2012 the company did release its Account Right Live that happens to be the cloud enabled version of its flagship item. Market Share: The company has a very large array of market share. In fact it is one of the most sought after accounting software companies that happens to be operating in the various companies of Australia. In this context we see that the company through its large array of acquisitions has secured a very dominant position in the country of Australia and also in the markets of New Zealand(Reckon, 2016). Acquisitions: The various mergers and Acquisitions that happened for MYOB are as follows: Acquired by Bain Capital in Sept 2011 ilisys on 28 February 2008 divested 5 August 2013 Comacc Limited on 1 August 2006 Conto Ltd and JumpStart Computer Accounting and Trainers Ltd on 31 January 2006 NZA Gold Limited on 5 March 2003 SeaSoft Computer Services Sdn Bhd on 9 October 2000 Blue Tongue Technology Pty Ltd on 11 October 1999 Smartyhost on 20 August 2008 divested 5 August 2013 Exonet on 5 January 2003 Macquarie Outsource Pty Ltd and Macquarie Outsource Sdn Bhd on 30 March 2006 Solution 6 Holdings on 29 March 2004 Rorquals Business Solutions Limited on 23 November 2000 Professional Tools (NZ) Ltd on 30 November 1999 CA Systems on 27 September 1999 The above list provides some of the most impressive images of the position of the company in the domain of the Australian and the New Zealand market. Comparing the three companies: All the three companies that have been discussed so far happen to be ones that have their own definite products and also characteristics. In this context we see that the companies have their own strengths and also their own weaknesses. In this context we see that MYOB and Reckon are companies who have been in the market for quite a long time. We also observe that the companies achieve some of the most tried and tested products that are being used by a large number of companies across the markets of Australia. In this context we see that Saasu is the company which is comparatively new. However the brand also has a large number of services that are in the product for the use of the other companies. The markets share seems to be the most prominent and strong for MYOB(Kennedy, 2016). Recommendations: It seems that all the three brands have their strengths and also their own weaknesses. In this context we see that the brand of MYOB has very definite services that can be used for accounts and also for tax purpose. The services that are provided by Saasu also happen to be the one that can provide better support to the small and the medium scale companies. In this context we see that the company must choose the products on the basis of their requirement. This is yet again something that must be dealt with care as the same can spell either the success or the failure of the accounting process of the company. References: Aasb, 2015. AASB Standard. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30 September 2016]. Aasb, 2016. Accounting Standards. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 October 2016]. digitalfirst, 2014. Xero vs MYOB AccountRight Live Comparison A Second Opinion. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 02 September 2016]. Digitalfirst, 2015. 2015 overview. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 December 2016]. James, D., 2013. 7 accounting packages for Australian small businesses compared: including MYOB, QuickBooks Online, Reckon, Xero. [Online] Available at:,7-accounting-packages-for-australian-small-businesses-compared-including-myob-quickbooks-online-reckon-xero.aspx [Accessed 24 September 2016]. Kennedy, H., 2016. Reckon / MYOB Comparison. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 December 2016]. Raik-Allen, S., 2015. MYOB Most Innovative Company in Australia. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 01 September 2016]. Reckon, 2016. About Reckon. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 December 2016]. Saasu, 2016. Liberating small business. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 December 2016]. Swan, D., 2016. Reckon shares tumble on modest results. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 December 2016].

Monday, December 2, 2019

Son Of Dallas Cop Says Dad Was 1 Of 3 Who Shot Kennedy Essays

Son of Dallas Cop Says Dad Was 1 of 3 Who Shot Kennedy (Part 1 - The first Ricky White News Story) NOV. 22, 1963: ANOTHER STORY BLURS THE FACTS SON OF DALLAS COP SAYS DAD WAS 1 OF 3 WHO SHOT KENNEDY By Andrew Likakis In another bizarre twist to a mystery that has haunted Americans for more than a quarter century, the son of a former Dallas police officer plans to tell the world that his father was one of the assassins of President John F. Kennedy. Ricky White, a 29-year-old, unemployed oil equipment salesman in Midland, says he "had no conception of ever, ever giving this story out" but decided to do so after FBI agents began asking questions in May 1988. "I'm telling you a story that has touched me, not only others, and I feel uncomfortable just telling it to strangers," White said during a recent interview with the Austin American-Statesman. Monday in Dallas, White is scheduled to show reports material implicating his father, Roscoe Anthony White, in the 1963 assassination. It suggests that White, who died in 1971, was a member of an assassination team of three shooters, that he fired two of the three bullets that killed the president, and that he also killed Dallas police officer J. D. Tippit during the manhunt for Lee Harvey Oswald. Among the material: a rifle with telescopic sight that uses the same kind of ammunition as Oswald's gun; records showing that Oswald and White served together in the Marines; three faded messages that appear to be decoded orders to kill someone in Dallas in November 1963; and a son's recollections of his father's incriminating diary - a document that is missing. The press conference is being sponsored by two private groups - the JFK Assassination Information Centre of Dallas and the Assassination Archives and Research Centre of Washington - and some Midland Businessmen. The possibility of Ricky White's story being a hoax - a falsehood concocted either by Ricky or his father - has not been dismissed by the people urging him to publicly talk about the matter. During the last 27 years, many private researchers have claimed to have found evidence of a conspiracy, only to be proved wrong or deceitful. Bernard Fensterwald, executive director of the Assassination Archives and Research Centre, says if there was a conspiracy, Ricky White may have the key. "I think it's our best shot," he says, "and we better take it." J. Gary Shaw, co-director of the JFK Assassination Information Centre, says he hopes White's story will result in an investigation of the assassination by Texas authorities. Two Washington-based probes - the Warren Commission in 1963-64 and the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1976-78 failed to resolve the enigma of the Kennedy shooting, Shaw maintains. As with previous conspiracy theories, White's story is tantalizing, the evidence intriguing. Yet, as with other theories, it raises more questions than it answers -- such as: Who issued the orders to the so-called assassination team? Why was the assassination ordered against Kennedy? And why is Ricky White telling this story now? AN OSWALD CONNECTION Using clues discovered in his father's effects and relying on available government records, Ricky White says he has determined that Roscoe White and Lee Harvey Oswald probably met in 1957. Ricky White's mother, Geneva, is gravely ill and unable to be interviewed, family members say. According to Military records, both White and Oswald were among a contingent of U.S. Marines, who boarded the USS Bexar in San Diego that year for the 22-day trip to Yokosuka, Japan. In its final report, the Warren Commission published a photo of Oswald with other Marines in the Philippines. All but one of the Marines was squatting on the ground. Ricky White says his father claimed to have been the standing Marine and claimed to have become acquainted with Oswald in Japan and the Philippines. Military records show that Roscoe White took frequent unexplained trips in the Pacific, and Ricky White says that his father's diary described those as secret intelligence assignments. It has been established in previous investigations that Oswald was discharged in 1959 and defected to the Soviet Union. He returned to the United States in mid-1962, settling first in Fort Worth with his Russian-born wife, then moving to Dallas a short time later. Military records show Roscoe White was discharged in late 1962, joining his wife and two young sons in Paris, Texas. Ricky White says that shortly thereafter, his father moved the family to